Saturday, June 21, 2008

My husband is an arsonist.

I know he's an arsonist because all the Gingerbread Family photos were mysteriously removed from the house before the fire.  Plus there are those incriminating photos of him with the lighter fluid.

1 comment:

  1. This one really made me laugh ;)

    And one more thing. Even though it really brought me joy to see my blog on your blog roll, I have one annoying request... since my blog is semi-anonymous (and I just realized that by "googling" my name it comes up automatically)... could you please call it "Super Babe's Blog?" or something like that? Sorry... thanks!!! :)

    Hope you guys are having a good weekend! And yay on the mileage of the new car! I honestly think that high gas prices are here to stay, and we should just learn to live in a "greener" way... perhaps push for better public transportation... ok, ok, I won't get started ;)


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