The day started at the Farmer's Market, where I saw my vision for Vicksburg come alive. Plus, there were beautiful flowers from mustard plants.

I worked all afternoon, enjoyed a run down St. Charles, and then Ned and I headed for dinner. Ye Olde College Inn was our dining destination for the evening. We ate there on our way home the night we got engaged, and so decided to revisit the place tonight. Ned finished 3/4 of his monster sandwich, but he would have eaten all of it had I not begged him to stop. He finally gave in. And now he's thankful, as he sits across the room, working on his laptop, and eating Tums like candy.

My favorite part of the evening was ice cream from Brocato's. Yum. I would have taken a photo of it, but I ate it too quickly!

We could be the River City Farmer's Market!