Friday, September 24, 2010

Rough and Tumble DAM

MB worried and fretted and worried some more about leaving David with a new sitter in Oxford last week in the afternoon, only to turn around and deposit him with his Uncle Patrick later the same night with only a few minutes of "here's the food instruction." DAM's been going through a Mommy Phase, and he screams when MB is out of sight. Of course, both babysitters were terrific, and MB is grateful. It was on HER watch Wednesday morning that David nose-dived off the bed and got that nice rug burn on his face. Go figure.


  1. It's OK mama, you can't prevent all the bumps and bruises. Boys are daredevils, ya know?

  2. Are those teeth I see up top?


  3. Oh dear. I'm sure much screaming ensued. =(

  4. Pretty good. Nine months and first Bobo!


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