Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things are never so bad

that they can't get worse, per my Grandpa Lasseter. Doctor's diagnosis today: thrush. Blame the antibiotics from my days in the hospital. So, now we add even more meds to our daily regimen, and we have to sterilize everything David puts in his mouth for 20 minutes. Oh, and then there's a crazy laundry factor, too--hot water, light bleach, and nursing pads need to be changed after every feeding. Great...this house has all the time in the world for all this extra work. Grrrrrrrrrrr


  1. Now is the perfect time to call your friends who might be willing to do any or all of the above, save consuming additional pharmaceuticals.

  2. BOO! I'm so sorry - I hear thrush is rough and can take a while to heal too, not to mention all the extra cleaning... Would THIS weekend be a good time for me to drop off a dinner for you guys? :)

  3. seriously.. add me to the list of folks who are more than willing to step up and do what we can.


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