Friday, February 8, 2013

Birthday sign

Grandpa and Granny had a small Japanese Magnolia in their backyard on East Jane Street, and they said it always bloomed for my birthday. Same in Vicksburg!


  1. Yes, so far Wisteria Dr. would be more accurately referred to as 'Magnolia liliiflora Dr.' One common name is the Jane Magnolia, which I suppose is apt.

    Happy Birthday, Mary Beth! We love you so.

  2. Happy Birthday, Mary Beth! Hope our package arrives on time. I love the Japanese Magnolia, too, and glad to see that Wisteria Dr. has its share.

  3. Our camellia is gorgeous this year, and the red azalea outside my kitchen window is in full bloom.
    When I was 36, you were already 13.
    The years do fly ...


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