Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday with the boys

Saturday was very busy.
David flew an airplane

while his Daddy and John watched (sleepily) from the runway.

He also drove a monster truck

and a cool red sports car.

Afterwards it was really hot, so the boys relaxed in the shade.

Then David was off to explore some dinosaur fossils.

We attempted a family photo before leaving, but David was hot and having none of it.

Only a Slushie and a cup of cold water calmed him down.  (Really, it did.  7-11 sells sugar-free ices!)

John ended the day flirting with a little girl at our dinner spot, Bayou Bakery. MB is smiling here, but is really not happy with competition for John's affections.


  1. Larkin is somewhat obsessed lately with planes, trains, and automobiles. She'd be really jealous of David's day. We won't show her these photos!


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