I took the one hour glucose test last week. I wasn't worried about it, but I found out today that I failed it. This is problematic for the following reasons: (1) I haven't failed a test since Calculus in high school, and I don't quite know how to handle the news. (2) I now have to return to Jackson for a three hour glucose test, which means a whole morning will be wasted in the doctor's office during the week of the SFA symposium--not good. (3) Possible consequences for repeated failure mean a diet and frequent finger pricks to test my blood sugar, neither of which sound like happy things. (4) This news strikes at the worst possible time, when Halloween candy beckons. Why couldn't this test have been in November? Complaints and whines are sure to follow, along with the update in two weeks.
I feel your pain. If you fail the 3 hour test, the diet really isn't that bad. Halloween candy will be out though. Not sure how I'm gonna handle that. Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you!