Wednesday, March 31, 2010

China Night Returns!

Not sure how she managed it all, but Ned is definitely not complaining. David, meanwhile, is wondering where the Opal Innocence bottle is...

Happy afternoon!

No caption needed

My new best friend!

Aunt Angie, a friend from church, is going to hang out with me four days a week, starting after Easter. We won't see each other on Thursdays, because she plays bridge, but Friday reunions will be the best!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


David rolled over today

and Ned and MB missed it. MB put him down for a nap, and returned to the crib about 15 minutes later to check on him. That's when she realized that she missed the big event. Yes, there were tears. We hope to see a repeat performance tonight.

Backlit moment with Grandaddy

Monday, March 29, 2010

Exhausted after crying fit

Baby Toys

He looks rather frightened in this photo, but David generally enjoys the play mat early in the morning. That's about the only time he uses it. His parents, meanwhile, trip over it all day.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mitchell Boys

First Mass at St. John's in Valdosta

I went to my first Mass at St. John's in Valdosta a week ago today. It was Saturday night, hence my parents' casual attire. I sported at St. John School bib, courtesy of Gram.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cutest. Baby. Ever.

How can you deny me anything with this sweet smile? I'll have a list of demands as soon as I can talk. For now, just hold me while you stand up and walk with me outside to keep things running smoothly.

Flashback: St. Pat's Day

Uncle Daniel and I were tired from the wearin' o the green.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday night at home

with the boys. Best date night ever.

Happy birthday, Uncle Marvin!

Hope it's more fun than an outfit full of monkeys!

Really, Mama?

Another bathtime photo? Can I ever wash up without your camera nearby?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm getting big

Now I'm taller than Daddy's bear!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No time for a photo today

David's been screaming too much to snap a cute picture. He's only had about an hour of sleep this entire day in 10 and 20 minute snatches. This can't happen again tomorrow. It's wearing us out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday evening with Daddy

And George, the monkey.

Sleeping in the big bed

With Ned sick and banished to the guest room, David's been allowed to sleep in bed with Mommy this week. Yes, it's a bad habit I'll regret later. But this week, it's an easy way to feed him at night and an easier way to convince him to sleep 20 extra minutes in the morning. Plus, he's so cute snuggled up with me!

Flashback: Being silly with Gram

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It takes a bit of practice

David is learning to use his new pacifier monkey. Most of the time he chews the pacifier and holds the monkey to keep the mouthpiece in place, but occasionally he gets confused and eats the monkey. Whatever makes him happy works for his parents...

Little Trooper

Staying blessedly quiet for grateful parents on LONG drive back to

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy St. Pat's

A few days late, yes, but he had to sober up before we felt comfortable posting the photo.

Friday, March 19, 2010

We wonder

How much the city paid to develop this goofy slogan...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The boys are together again!

Stylin' w/ new red boots

Courtesy of cousins Rob and Jessie


Because Daddy will be home later today!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Christening photos: behind the scenes

The view from behind my cap...see all that hair?!?
Gram swings me to quiet me down for the photo shoot.

Friends and Family

Here are all the Lasseter grandchildren (plus Ned and David) at the baptism. Jennifer and Rob's parents are the ones who gifted the Valdosta Lasseters our christening gown.
And here's the crowd at the church...a crowd numbering over fifty, including many great friends and family who traveled hours and hours to celebrate with us.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Christening gown photos

Today, Mary Beth attempted the photo shoot with David in his christening gown. It's a family gown, given to Mary Beth by Uncle Jim and Aunt Penny when she was a baby. All the Lasseter kids have worn it. The gown is beautiful, and the baby was in a good mood and cooperative all day. That is, he was cooperative until time for the photo shoot. We tried it in stages. In stage one, he screamed. In stage two, he slept. In stage three, he finally opened his eyes and didn't cry, but he did insist on chewing his hands the whole time. It's the stuff memories are made of, I guess.

Baptism Recap (first of many...)

With Daddy's family...

And Big Daddy and Gram...
And here's where Big Daddy annointed me. I didn't cry at all!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mama wore this outfit

When she was little. But it's not just for girls!

David, Parents & Godparents

Morning with Uncle Pat

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm happiest outside

Thankfully, the weather's warm!