Success! 9 farmers (20 booths in all), 1000+ customers, a bluegrass band, no rain, and no leftover vegetables. For photos, see
Shutterfly. For the incredibly awesome and well placed photo in today's paper, see
The Vicksburg Post.

Despite Ned's reluctance to get up this morning when the alarm went off (I am up and dressed and ready to run out the door as I snap this photo), he quickly got into market excitement.

There are the zinnias, free to people who become Friends of the Market.

Here's one of my co-conspirators, Kristen Meehan. It was early in the day, so she's holding coffee. She'd soon trade that for ice water.

Liz and Sandy were super-troopers -- staffing the market booth, selling hummus, and even taking a photo with Ned in a silly hat.

And here's the market's personal PR staff. These are the Who's Who of Vicksburg who helped us spread the word. Thanks, all!