Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's finished!

Check out that chimney. Rather Whoville-ish, no?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our first married Christmas

I got art. Ned got a Pizza Den t-shirt and a grill. As we share our first Christmas with joint checking, we learn the value of the phrase, "It's the thought that counts."

Christmas in Valdosta

Ned was in the shower, not as eager for Santa as the rest of us. Meanwhile, we lined up for the traditional Christmas morning photo at the end of the hall, with a version of our sister, affectionately known as "Super Sarah."

Monday, December 24, 2007

Valdosta Eats

Sadly, it was closed for lunch. But we're checking again tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Coke Zero celebrates Christmas

I love this stuff! So much so that I shamelessly had Ned photograph me in front of the Winn Dixie holiday display.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The gingerbread house begins

Look for construction updates throughout the holiday. Here's where we started.

Merry Christmas, Georgeanna and Will!

The UPS truck was out working late last night in our neighborhood. Ned and I speculated which lucky neighbors might be getting packages, only to hear a knock on our door! A fabulous wedding gift arrived to us, courtesy of our friends Georgeanna and Will -- a bay leaf wreath, which we've added to our dinner table. Thanks, y'all!

Our beautiful Christmas tree

When I was a kid, my dad used to take off his glasses and watch the Christmas tree. He said it was prettier that way, with the lights all large and fuzzy. I imagine this photo of our tree must be like what he sees without his glasses.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dec. 18 birthdays

Today my grandpa would have been 86. Wow. Here's a photo of us on the night of my ballet recital. You can tell it was a special occasion because he's wearing tan pants, not his usual navy work pants.

Today Ned's grandmother is 93. We called her with birthday greetings.

Monday, December 17, 2007

There's a lot to be said for minimalist living.

What are we ever going to do with all this stuff? If you've ever wondered what it looks like when lives collide, this is it.

the porch

the dining room

The porch again, because I just can't get over it.

The bedroom. There's a bed under all that mess somewhere.

the office

Here are the before shots. When we finish unpacking, in five years or so (at this rate), we'll share some after shots.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Delta Diners

Here we are, feeling considerably better last night than this morning.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Vicksburg Visitors

We look forward to hosting many visitors when we finally settle in together in Vicksburg. Be warned, however, that -- excepting the bare feet comment -- these rules will apply to houseguests. We're taking a lesson from Nikki's West in Birmingham.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

At long last...

comments enabled.

Thanks to Amy for encouragement.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Roy Blount is so funny!

Enjoy this video, filmed at the Sunday session for this October's Southern Foodways Symposium. For more info on the SFA, the great place where I work, visit

Monday, December 10, 2007

One last early morning departure

Said "goodbye" to Ned when he departed Oxford at 6:30 a.m. this morning. That was it--our last weekend goodbye. Next weekend I move to Vicksburg, and we'll commence married life in the same house seven days a week. Wish us luck.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Today's news

Newk's has holiday cups!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lunchtime Shopping

I've made a decision: Ned and I are having a consumable Christmas. What's that? It means that we realize all our friends and family have too much stuff! So what you'll get from us is something to read, eat, enjoy, etc. -- but it will be consumable and, unless you keep the wrapping it comes in, it won't be a gift that lingers around your home after the holidays. So really, it's like two gifts in one.

The items on my Christmas list aren't all consumable, however. I was shopping online for art at lunch today. Here's an artist -- a Marianist monk -- who is represented by a gallery that Ned and I used to visit in Nashville. I love his stuff. I mostly love his images of the Holy Family, but they must be shoppers have snapped them all up. This one's nice, though. See more at

Monday, December 3, 2007

Why can't I find these in Oxford?

I've been craving these, and another helping of Jimmy's creamed corn, since Saturday!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Though he may actually lead the Rebels to victory, he will ALWAYS creep me out.

Monday, November 26, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Sunday night was Christmas tree night. Mary Beth is missing all her best ornaments (she accidentally left them in Valdosta and Oxford), but we still have more than enough.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun

We had a wonderful time in Jackson this past weekend. We played with a baby (which we then got to return), stuffed ourselves silly with good food (including green cookies, thanks to Jessica & Marvin), watched a lot of football (Go Irish!), and generally relaxed. Also, I made a pecan pie that would make Martha Stewart look like an amateur. Well, not really. But it was good, thanks to a nice frozen pie crust!

Key to a good pie? Pecans from Valdosta (check out the label!)


While Ned smiles, the baby plays with a hanger. Later, Ned plays with Madeleine's toys.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Big decision for today...

Yikes! Advent starts soon. We still don't have an Advent wreath. I've been shopping online, and here are the images of our finalists. I'm trying not to be overly obsessed about this decision, but there's a lot of pressure here. This is the wreath that we'll use FOREVER and EVER, the wreath that'll witness our off-key Christmas singing, and the wreath that our kids will fight over once we're long gone...this is an important purchase...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Home again, home again

Turtle Bay and Hawaii were beautiful. But it's good to be home. And even the Irish won on Saturday, to make our return that much sweeter...

Looking forward to a family Thanksgiving. We'll all pile together in Jackson for three days of Corona and football. Good times.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday in Hawaii

Ned had the afternoon off. Yay! First we went to the Pali Lookout (pics 1 & 2), and then to Diamond Head (pics 3 & 4, plus next post). Ended the day with fabulous Greek food at a marina...

Diamond Head

This afternoon, we walked to the summit of Diamond Head, the volcanic crater on Oahu. Those stairs were killer! Thank goodness for treats at the bottom of our climb...Aleve and Hawaii Shave Ice.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hawaii on Wednesday

Ned worked all day. I spent the morning by the pool, and the afternoon at the Audobon Nature Center, the Triple Crown Surf Competition, and shopping. Purchases were kept to a minimum: some Hawaii shave ice and a cultured pearl necklace. We ended the night with a luau at the hotel with all of Ned's work friends. It was great fun. I continue to be amazed by the places I hear Van Morrison unexpectedly (bluesman Ben Peyton, a friend, plays a lot of VM; so did the Hawaiian band last night).

Orchids grow out of the side of trees here. They're beautiful.

Don't be fooled: botanical gardens can be dangerous.

Me at the waterfall (while Ned worked, poor fella.)

Hawaii shave ice. I love it.

Behind us is the bay where i saw turtles yesterday morning.